Princia is a Congolese visual artist, born in 1989 in Congo-Brazzaville, lives and works between Metz and Paris. With a multidisciplinary artistic practice where each idea takes a new direction, Princia Itoua's pieces explore, among other things, the fields of narrative, orality and text. It invests the book medium to make it an exhibition and presentation space for questioning that inhabits it.
Through installation, sculpture, drawing, painting, video, performance or writing, he tries to address problems related to the current world and the news that concern him. To do this, Princia Itoua produces messages with multiple and poetic meanings, in which he questions the universal within his personal history. In his protean work "Kanye", he proposes an autobiographical work in which he invites the spectator-voyeur to walk in the footsteps of "his life", facing the problems and challenges of our societies.
Princia Itoua defines himself as a griot plastic artist living in a modern era. His work, nourished by walking - an essential practice for him - feeds his inspiration from his walks, his notes and his discoveries of rural and urban landscapes. Articulated in search of space in order to expose a story to be told, Princia Itoua's works also question the scenography. Indeed, what are the properties of these spaces, objects, actors and the way in which each element communicates and participates in history? Princia Itoua's stories thus propose a universe that activates a mechanism of reflection by ricochet effect.
Group exhibitions
2024 L’Enracinement, Chapitre 1 J’ai mille et une raisons de vous dire cela, Rurart, Rouillé, FR
Les Déplacés, Abri Mémoire, Cernay, FR
2023 Bad Poetry, Centre d’art BBB, Toulouse, FR
Exposition Telling Stories, Transpalette, centre d’art de Bourges, FR
2021 Ecotopia, Lycée agricole de Courcelles-Chaussy, FR
Respirer – exposition collective, galerie La Box Bourges, FR
Effet immédiat, Castel Coucou, Forbach, FR
2020 Biennale de la jeune création , Graineterie Houilles, FR
Á la lumière du doute, Saint-Pierre-aux-Nonnains et la Chapelle des Templiers, Metz, FR
| Et maintenant | – exposition virtuelle collective par le Frac Lorraine, Frac Lorraine, FR
2019 Lignes de vies – une exposition de légendes, MAC VAL, FR
2018 8e Prix Jeune Création 2018, Saint-Rémy, FR
63e Salon de Montrouge, Montrouge, FR
2017 De l’École au Palais, Metz, FR
Tête-à-tête, Galerie, Metz, FR
Le Corbusier et Léger. Visions polychromes. Briey-en-forêt, FR
Biennale du design graphique, Tisza textil Packaging, Chaumont, FR
2013 Klaatu Barada Nikto, Metz, FR
2012 Exposition étudiante Nuit blanche, Ancien GDO Metz
Exposition itinérante «Rencontrons-nous!». Metz et Luxembourg, FR-LU
2011 50e anniversaire d’Amnesty, Metz, FR
Solo exhbitions
2022 Terre Promise, Galerie du Granit, Belfort, FR
2020 Visa D’exploitation 001, exposition solo, Castel Coucou – Synagogue Forbach, FR
Don’t Be Afraid to Take that Big Step, exposition solo, Castel Coucou – Médiathèque Forbach, FR
2019 Grands Espaces, Médiathèque Forbach, FR Solo exhibitions
2020 Visa D’exploitation 001, exposition solo, Castel Coucou – Synagogue Forbach, FR
Don’t Be Afraid to Take that Big Step, exposition solo, Castel Coucou – Médiathèque Forbach, FR
2019 Grands Espaces, Médiathèque Forbach, FR
2018 Prix Médicis (avril 2018)
Aide Individuelle à l’installation (Kanye-New Homelands). Drac Grand-Est, France
2017 Lauréat Prix Point d’Or à l’ESAL Metz (juin 2017)
2020 Artiste résidant Orange Rouge, Résidence, FR
2019 Artiste associé Ateliers Médicis, Résidence, FR
2019 HERStory
Le Quotidien de l’Art : Jeudi 16 avril 2019 — N° 1724 Le Républicain Lorrain
2018 63e Salon de Montrouge, catalogue
Le Quotidien de l’Art : Jeudi 26 avril 2018 — N° 1486
Point Contemporain
Zone Critique, 63e Salon de Montrouge : réenchanter le regard
France Culture, Soft Power : La révolution numérique de l’architecture et du design
2017 Diplômes 2017 ESAL, Metz
Centre Pompidou